Prepare statement failed on " select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, if(exists(select Id from news_ref r1 where r1.nyhet=n.Id and ref='klubbinfo'),1,0) klubbinfo, if(exists(select Id from news_ref r2 where r2.nyhet=n.Id and ref='kretsinfo'),1,0) kretsinfo, if(exists(select Id from news_ref r3 where r3.nyhet=n.Id and ref='spillerinfo'),1,0) spillerinfo, r4.ref arrtype, r4.refid arrid from news n left join news_ref r4 on r4.nyhet=n.Id and /* ref not in ('klubbinfo','kretsinfo','spillerinfo') */ ref='Turnering' where Status >= 2 and Dato<="2024-12-22 11:59:01" and Context = "Klubb" and ContextId = 32 order by Dato DESC limit 0,5": Table 'bowling_org.news_ref' doesn't exist
file: /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/mysqlDB.class.php at line 186
Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/mysqlDB.class.php [line] => 121 [function] => prepare [class] => mysqlDB [type] => -> ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/stiDB.class.php [line] => 95 [function] => execute [class] => mysqlDB [type] => -> ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/news.class.php [line] => 100 [function] => getResultSet [class] => stiDB [type] => -> ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/news.class.php [line] => 144 [function] => ReadNewsDB [class] => news [type] => -> ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/loader_klubber.inc.php [line] => 80 [function] => getNewsItems [class] => news [type] => -> ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/webroot_klubber/nyheter/index.php [line] => 4 [args] => Array ( [0] => /srv/web/bowling/sites/main/app/module/loader_klubber.inc.php ) [function] => include_once ) )